Launch Your Own Clinic Website and App in Just24 Hours with DigitalRX!

Whether your patients need fertility advice, prenatal care, or child support, you can easily provide services through video consultations, simple online booking, access to educational resources, and much more.

Expand your reach beyond your physical clinic, by reaching out to your patients online. Offer your service to patients from anywhere, making it easier for them to access your care.


Demo APP


Demo Website

Maternity Clinic

Why do you need an online Maternity/Fertility clinic?

With your branded online clinic, you can expand your reach and offer accessible healthcare. Provide easy appointment booking, convenient video consultations, and continuously monitor your patients’ progress for better outcomes. Empower and educate women online with a wide variety of resources, helping them make informed decisions about their health.

Maternity Clinic

Increased Visibility & Reach

Maternity Clinic

Attract new patients

Maternity Clinic

Online Appointment booking

Maternity Clinic

Convenient video consultations

Maternity Clinic

Enhanced patient monitoring

Maternity Clinic

Educate patients online

Discover the Future of
Gynecology Care

Explore the remarkable potential of in revolutionizing gynecology care. See how we empower clinics like yours to build an online presence, enhance patient care, streamline operations, and embrace the future of gynecology care. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the future of healthcare.


How can your patients benefit from your Clinic App & Website ?

Your online clinic eases the journey of motherhood for your patients. They can book appointments easily, connect through video consultations, and receive continuous support and monitoring. You can provide privacy & confidentiality with video calls for the women on their fertility journey. Allow your patients to manage their health by tracking their vitals, receiving pill reminders, and more.


Convenient video consultations

Travelling during pregnancy can cause discomfort or sickness for some women. By offering video consultations, you can significantly reduce their need for in-person clinic visits. Video calls also work well for urgent medical issues, where expectant mothers can access prompt medical advice and timely care.

Maternity Clinic
Maternity Clinic

Easy appointment booking

Give your patients the freedom of scheduling appointments with a 24/7 online booking system. Your clinic app & website shows the real-time availability of the doctors making it convenient for your patients to choose their gynecologist of choice. With a single click, the appointment is immediately confirmed, notifying both the gynecologist and the patient instantly. Additionally, your patients can easily cancel or reschedule the appointment.

Let patients explore your services/treatments

Be it services for pregnant women, women trying to conceive, or those seeking services for hormonal imbalances, feature them all on your branded clinic website and app. Allow your patients to explore details about various maternity & fertility procedures, tests, and any other health offerings, and help them make more informed decisions. Display before and after images of the treatments to gain more trust from your patients.

Maternity Clinic
Maternity Clinic

Provide privacy & confidentiality

Privacy is crucial, especially for women on their fertility journey. Some women may feel uneasy discussing their fertility issues in person. Video consultations can encourage them to have personal discussions with their gynecologist, all while ensuring confidentialialty and security. Patients can openly share their concerns and receive the support they need in a private setting.

Build trust with patient testimonials

Choosing the right gynecologist is significant for a lot of women who are on their parenthood journey, trying to conceive, or dealing with fertility issues. Build that trust by sharing the experiences of your valued patients through patient testimonials. Heartfelt testimonials show the excellent care and dedication of your team. Celebrate their beautiful journeys of motherhood and success stories of overcoming challenges.

Maternity Clinic
Maternity Clinic

Help women manage their health

With Clinic App. women can track essential vital metrics such as blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, and temperature easily. Patients can store and access their health records conveniently. The app also sends timely pill reminders to help manage medications effectively. With this user-friendly app, women can take control of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being.

Educate women on their health

Keep your patients informed and engaged with valuable health tips, patient success stories, women’s health resources, articles, and more. Educate women about hygiene, promote wellness, and offer valuable insights into a diverse range of women’s products. Encourage your patients to interact with the posts by liking and leaving comments

Maternity Clinic

Ready to take your Maternity/Fertility clinic - online?

Reach out to us at and let us help you guide you at every step. Get your free trial now and begin setting up your online clinic.